Assess the financial damage done
The starting point after a tragic situation is always damage control. This not only helps put things into perspective, but it also helps with rebuilding your Marketing Strategy.
For example, if you've had to cut down on your Marketing fund, now's the time to add numbers up and to see how you can align your budget with your needs.
Consider whether you'll need funding to recover
Many countries are offering or will be offering businesses funding or some form of financial aid to help them get back on their feet post-pandemic.
Ensure that you are in touch with the right organisations that can guide you as to whether you qualify for funding.
Develop a timeline for rebuilding
There is nothing more efficient and effective than a solid plan. You might have had one before all this happened, and you might have to throw your original plan out of the window once Covid19 hit.
However, this does not mean that now you don't need one. You actually need a solid plan more than ever.
Adopt a proactive approach
Smart companies will adopt a proactive approach to understand what changes will occur once we settle into the "new normal" and be ready to adjust their products, services and strategies quickly to meet current and future customer needs.