The hypothetical Michael had been working at a hypothetical high-tech enterprise in our country for four years. He was responsible for multimedia projects: educational projects, exhibitions, presentations, and other tasks that occurred on boss's command in the "here and now, 24/7" mode. Michael is proud of this stage of his career just like someone would be proud of being in military service or participating in survival games. Michael left the company, bearing the "battle scars" and invaluable experience of hard work in a multistage system of meaningless control.
The company inherited a glorious history full of truly great achievements of the Soviet era. There, in the previous century, many useful electrical appliances were invented, and Soviet and Russian science moved forward. There are still unique scientists, eminent specialists working in this company. Many of them are dedicated to their work and country.
But in addition to this legacy, there is another. Now it would be difficult to determine whether it is Soviet, or maybe Post-Soviet. Mosy importantly, it is just what Griboedov wrote: "I am just a young man and I mustn't have my own judgement." The other quote suits perfectly as well: "I'd love to serve. Servility is what I hate." So, this hypothetical young Michael surely gets an excursion into the magical world of the immortal Russian classics while working at this high-tech enterprise.
What is the purpose of all written above? The purpose is to show you, dear reader, the deep Russian culture and tell about why marketing tools, praised in the overseas world, sometimes do not work in our harsh reality. Trying to get those tools to work, we waste a lot of money, time, effort, and sometimes even lose employees who burn out working on random projects. They burn out quickly and completely, often leaving the industry.
Now, dear reader, let me show you the fascinating world of managing media or multimedia projects of a university, enterprise, or any other organization. We will use examples to analyze when it works and when it doesn't.
Example #1. About design Imagine having to launch a landing page for an educational program sales, or prepare a printed materials for an exhibition. Or maybe you are have to design a mobile application or a souvenir.
You are at a low start — you turn on unrestrained imagination, a frenzied desire to create, you recall school drawing lessons, maybe an art club or Photoshop courses. When you think that you are a sophisticated personand have an impeccable taste for solving a particular design problem, please, stop. Ask yourself this very practical question. Do you know how design is different from free artistic creation?
Design is a technical discipline. Here, it is not enough to claim to be an artist, say "I see it this way" and theatrically throw your scarf over your shoulder. A good design is not a "make it beautiful" one, but the one that works for your client. If it works, it means that it solves a commercial Issue and makes a profit.
When working on any design, remember that you are not doing it for your superiors, nor for yourself, nor for your friends, colleagues, relatives. You are doing it for the target consumer of your services. If you are a university — and we are talking mostly about education here — then you do everything for an applicant, a student and a graduate. First of all, they should like the result of your work. They should be absolutely thrilled with your university. As soon as you fully accept this thesis, we move forward.
The work is done well:
The design is focused on the target audience. First of all, those who use it — not you, not your boss — should like it.
Before developing the design, you analyzed and thought about the functionality, made a prototype, discussed and approved it with all participants in the process.
Please pay attention to what is now relevant for young people, on trends. Be clear, be relevant.