People with a graduation certificate are not always ready to start working effectively immediately. Many employers face the fact that graduates have to be retrained immediately. It certainly didn't start now. Remember Arkady Raikin? "Forget induce and deduce — let's produce!". This miniature is almost 50 years old, but little has changed in terms of combining theory and practice. Educational programs, according to business representatives, are often far from reality, and yesterday's students, loaded with a large amount of knowledge, do not have practical experience in how to apply it.
Who is to blame?
There are many reasons for this. One of the main reasons is that the domestic education system has always tried to kill two birds with one stone — to train people who could later do both academic research and go to work in production. Often such a combination is simply impossible. In fact, even with the same name of the study fields, these are completely different fields of activity.
Besides, the world has changed dramatically today. In addition to the traditional skills in a certain specialty, success can be achieved only with a large amount of additional knowledge and skills. This includes psychology, computer literacy, presentation skills, and much more.
What to do?
We at the International Center for Creative Hospitality believe t hat t he m ost e ffective w ay t oday i s a c ombination of theory and practice, when in addition to obtaining basic knowledge, the graduate has a certain set of practical competencies.
The International Center for Creative Hospitality, established on the basis of the International Institute of Informatics, Management, Economics and Law in Moscow, brought together the most famous and successful experts who have experience in international and Russian hotel chains, leading tour operators, event management agencies, concierge companies. The main directions of the Center's work are the training of personnel for the tourism industry and their further employment.
We have developed and are successfully implementing a program of unique courses in tourism and hospitality. The learning process is aimed at obtaining practical skills in the hotel and tourism business, and at helping in acquiring professional and creative abilities of students.
At the same time, we work both with "classical" students who are just deciding what to do in life, and with current employees of hotels, restaurants, travel agencies and other companies working in the hospitality sector.