The method of evaluating campuses proposed in the article "Campus score: Measuring university campus qualifications" is interesting. The authors note that in comparison withthe Shanghai assessment methodology, it predicts better the indicators of the number of graduates and "freshman retention" – the share of those who remain to study after 1 year. The authors proposed the index called "Campus score", calculated by a number of parameters. At the same time, the assessment is based not only on rating indicators, but also on the analysis of data from online geoinformation services (OpenStreet-Map, Google Earth images). Even the geographical structure of the campus is evaluated by 7 indicators, each of them has 3 values. Two main output parameters (freshmen retention and the number of graduates) are associated with 3 groups of criteria (urban, green, living). After analyzing a large array of data, the authors came to the conclusion that modernity and proper formation of the campus do not fully determine its success (buildings are not the most important thing), but well-formed "restorative environment" reduces the overall stress of students and the chances of their transfer to another educational institution.